Whenever you feel you might be pulled into a criminal investigation —even if it’s only a possibility in your mind — it is wise to immediately schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney.
An initial consultation with an attorney is usually free of charge. In this initial consultation, discuss your concerns frankly and disclose the reasons why you feel you may be under suspicion by law enforcement authorities. The consulting attorney will evaluate your situation, assist you in understanding both the charges and consequences should you be arrested, and suggest possible solutions to your legal problems at this time. Your discussion remains confidential, even if you decide not to retain the services of that attorney.
Do not, under any circumstances, share the details of your legal concerns with anyone other than an attorney. What you say when seeking legal advice from an attorney is always confidential; however, what you say to a friend or family member is not confidential and can be used by the prosecution should you be arrested and charged with a crime.
A competent, experienced criminal defense attorney will be proactive by seeking additional information from local law enforcement agencies, the district attorney’s office or investigators instead of just waiting for you to be arrested and charged with a crime. There is no guarantee those on the prosecution’s side will cooperate and share information, but if they do, then the attorney has gleaned useful information for your defense.
Another way an attorney can proactively assist you is by setting up an interview between you and law enforcement authorities in such a way that whatever you say stays confidential and cannot be used against you. An experienced criminal defense attorney has many such approaches, and the earlier you contact the attorney, the better they can be used on your behalf.
It is essential to have a proactive, skilled criminal defense attorney who will immediately begin building a strong defense and take the necessary legal actions to protect your rights and your freedom when you are under suspicion for involvement in a crime.
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons by Magdalena.